The best way to learn is to accept

  • Everyone on this planet is unique and has a God given purpose. You want to be the best version of yourself and be successful in all of your heart’s desires. The problem is, it’s not easy and especially not when you aren’t running at 100% due to anxiety. Anxiety can seem complicated with all of its symptoms, but it’s actually quite simple. There are hundreds of ways to develop and get stuck with chronic anxiety, but there is really just one way to overcome it. I have been in your shoes and I am here to be your guide through this.

  • Investing in this course not only gives you the plan to successfully overcome your anxiety disorder, but it will also result in you taking action. When you don’t know how to do something it’s hard to get motivated. I push my students with actionable steps in each module, two forty minute included coaching sessions, and accountability via email support. The reason why a lot of people simply cope with their symptoms is because they don’t know any better.

  • If you’ve been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder or suffer from chronic anxiety I have two questions for you. One, do you want to cope and manage for the rest of your life? Two, do you want to take medication for the rest of your life? If you want your body and mind to actually heal instead of simply treating symptoms, this is the course that will help you. I go through my exact process for how I overcame my anxiety disorders (OCD & GAD). I also break down why we develop anxiety disorders and the only way to actually heal from them. I know first hand how debilitating the symptoms can be and I’m confident that this course will change your life.

Course curriculum

    1. Chronic Anxiety & Anxiety Disorder Recovery

    1. What is anxiety?

    2. Stress v Anxiety

    3. What is an anxiety disorder?

    4. How I developed my anxiety disorder - My anxiety story

    5. Why do people develop anxiety disorders?

    6. Understanding the nervous system

    7. The anxiety loop & how to we get stuck

    1. Having the proper anxiety healing mind state

    2. Expectations vs. Reality

    3. Anxiety Poll

    4. Healing regardless

    5. Healing vs. Coping

    6. Symptoms

    7. Pure OCD

    8. Depersonalization/Derealization

    9. Avoidance

    1. Pre-Recovery

    2. Have you spoken with a professional?

    3. The devil isn't in the details

    4. Setting a foundation for lasting recovery

    5. Incorrect anxiety false alarms

    6. CBT vs ACT

    7. Why CBT alone doesn't work for everyone

    1. Scientific Recovery

    2. Brain plasticity & neural pathways

    3. Anxiety symptoms & HOW to stop them

    4. Relaxed Awareness

    5. Energy Detox

    6. Your unconsious mind

    7. Energy Detox II

    1. Psychological Recovery

    2. The Power of the mind

    3. Anxiety Psychologically

    4. The promise that doesn't exist

    5. Mastering the power of thought

    6. Relaxed Awareness

    7. Thinking your way out

About this course

  • $289.00
  • 47 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content

Who is this course for?

This course is ultimately for those who are determined to:

  • Overcome their chronic anxiety, panic, depression, & anxiety disorder(s)
  • Avoid or slowly wean themselves off of anxiety medication
  • Stop coping with symptoms just to “highly function”
  • People diagnosed with any anxiety disorder such as GAD, OCD, Panic disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, Phobias, and PTSD
  • Anyone who’s paid or is paying hundreds to thousands of dollars for continued therapy. 
  • Anyone suffering from panic attacks, intrusive thoughts, rumination, etc.

Helping you get past the pain points

With this course, my goal is to help guide you through the hardest times in recovery

  • The reality is the only way to recover from an anxiety disorder is to go through it. You cannot cope, medicate, exercise, eat, or ignore your way out.

  • Staying consistent: People get stuck with chronic anxiety because they give in to their brain’s compulsions and “protection”. You have to keep going through my steps no matter how dreadful you feel.

  • Not knowing how to overcome: I see a lot of advice online and even from therapists for how to just manage anxiety. Coping methods like exercise, music, and distractions are great for transient anxiety that everyone deals with. If you’re suffering from chronic anxiety/anxiety disorders this simply won’t work.

  • You’re overwhelmed with how complicated recovery is: Depending on how long you have been suffering this process will not be quick. You will have to do the work and be patient but I can give you the tools and guidance to 100% recover.

  • You have your doubts because nothing has worked: As I said, unfortunately there is NO quick fix. Nothing else has worked because you have to retrain your brain and nervous system. My course will assist you in creating new neural pathways in your brain and heal your overactive nervous system.

What comes with the course?

  • Two 30 minute coaching sessions

    $275 value

    This course contains 46 lessons & also two hours of video content. It's great material but I understand you will likely need guidance from someone who has been where you are and recovered.

  • Unlimited e-mail access

    $100 value

    When you are done with your included coaching you will also have access to my e-mail at all times for any questions, concerns, or needs you run into.

  • Lifetime access to custom coaching guides & updated material

    $500 value

    I am a student of anxiety and obviously still living & evolving in life. While my concepts and teachings in this course are timeless, new guidance may come up. That’s why if I deem necessary I will be updating this course and possibly adding modules and videos. Enrolling today gives you automatic access to all this future content.

What are people saying?

“Seun is a very good listener. He doesn't try to force solutions on you, he just listens well and asks good questions to guide you in the right direction which can help you resolve your problems. I only had a couple of sessions with him so far, but I'm fairly sure that I will get more coaching sessions from him if and when needed”

Meshi K

“Working with Seun was life altering. Before I came across his services, I had accepted the dark fate of always having to live with a black cloud of anxiety looming over me. Seun was the first resource I found that offered a glimpse of hope that I could actually eliminate anxiety Instead of merely masking it. Talking to Sean was very easy, as he is very personable and non-judge mental and has dealt with it himself so he truly understands what I was going through. After a couple of sessions, I began to notice immediate results and for the first time in years I felt like I was getting a grip of control back on my life. I am now on the other side and can proudly explain that anxiety no longer has a grip on me. I highly highly recommend Seun‘s coaching services if you want to get back your life from the death grip of crippling anxiety. You will not regret it. Thank you so much Seun. You saved my life.”

Jessica A

“Thank you Seun. Since I stumbled on to your program it has given me the strength to go on. You are truly God’s gift to mankind. Let me not same more than that.”

Fola A